dan szy

What is your role at Trinity? 

I serve as director of operations. This includes logistics for our Sunday gatherings, administration for our various ministries, supporting our pastors as they oversee the membership process, and involvement in our mercy and justice efforts in the city.

Tell us about your family! 

I have a daughter in high school and a son in middle school. My extended family live in Pennsylvania.

Where else are you involved in the community? 

I enjoy living in New Franklin, on the western edge of the Columbia metro area. I worked for several years in alumni and development at Mizzou and more recently with City of Refuge, which empowers refugee neighbors in our city. I still love cheering for the Tigers and volunteering with City of Refuge!

Where else have you worked, lived, or studied? 

I’ve lived here in the Columbia area since 2010, but the earliest part of my life was on the east coast. I grew up in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania, attended college and lived for a total of 7 years in Washington, DC, then spent a year in eastern Maryland before seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.

What aspect of Trinity's vision do you most resonate with? 

We experience God's grace because Jesus is alive. This doesn't change, no matter what else we gain or lose. I've known that for a long time, but I'm beginning to grow in prayer thanks to the encouragement and emphasis our church gives to prayer.