Vision & Values

At Trinity Community Church, we believe in practicing the way of Jesus together for the renewal of all things. 

Our vision as a church is best expressed through five core values (things we hold most dear and that might distinguish us from other great churches):


God has wildly and completely accepted us in Christ.

This is the Good News of Christianity: Through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, God invites us into his eternal love—totally by grace. This gracious love shouts, "The pressure's off!" and "You have nothing to prove!" 


The goal of our lives is to become like Christ

Modern Christianity has not been producing deeply formed, mature disciples. As one author has said, “The great need of our day is not for more clever people; it’s for deep people.” This value shapes our worship, preaching, prayer, community groups, Trinity Kids, counseling, outreach—everything. We believe part of our unique calling as a congregation is to draw people deeper into fellowship with God. (This requires more time and slower growth!)


As relational beings, our formation in Christ happens in community

When we experience God’s grace and love, we want to share that with others. First, we share it with our sisters and brothers in Christ. We show love to one another through hospitality, genuine friendships, sacrificial service, and godly leadership. When visitors come to Trinity for the first time, almost always we hear, “We felt so welcomed and loved by the community!”


We have been blessed to be a blessing: God draws us in to send us out

God’s love fills our hearts and overflows in love for one another and love for those far from God. The storyline of the Bible is one of blessing: God has blessed us to be a blessing to others. He draws us in to know him, and he sends us out to make him known. At Trinity, our priority is reaching non-church-attending people and to see them walking with Christ. In addition to redemptive relationships, we participate in church planting in the U.S. and mission partnerships in Western Europe and Central Asia.


Prayer is the work of the church

What holds all of our values together? Prayer. Praying for God’s grace to be extended to us and to all. Praying for his Spirit to form us in his image. Praying for one another and for those outside the church. We make space in our worship gatherings and community groups for open prayer, and we hold prayer meetings throughout the week. Our desire is to be a powerhouse of prayer for our city and our world.


We believe practicing the way of Jesus together is the only way to see the renewal in our world that we are praying to see. The promise of God is the eventual renewal of all things in Christ, and we are part of his plan of cosmic redemption.

Thus, our vision is nothing short of a Renewed Columbia—
Women and men thriving in their personal and spiritual lives,
Families made whole again by the love of God,
Neighborhoods coming together in unity and service,
Churches worshipping together as multi-generational, multi-ethnic spiritual families, and
Organizations serving the common good through redemptive work.