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**Sign up here to serve with Trinity Kids!

During Sunday gatherings, we offer five classrooms for children 6 months through 5th grade:

  • Nursery: 6 months to 2 years old

  • Lower Preschool: 2-3 years old

  • Upper Preschool: 4-5 years old

  • Lower Elementary: Kindergarten & 1st grade

  • Upper Elementary: 2nd through 5th grade

Please know there is flexibility in which class your child attends! Let us know what questions you have and which classroom you think will best serve your child.

In each classroom, we have two or three Trinity Kids servants, who are at least 18 years old and have completed a background check and interview with our Kids director in the last 12 months. We follow careful cleaning and disinfecting guidelines to limit the potential spread of Covid-19 and other health threats.


We love our children! The church belongs to them as much as it does to us adults. In order to love, serve, and raise our children well, our Trinity Kids ministry includes several key components. 

Christ Centered

Our mission is not simply to provide childcare while parents worship and learn. Instead, Trinity Kids provides Christ centered teaching, activities, and oversight. We use The Gospel Project curriculum and let everything we do point children to Christ. 

Safe & Secure

We recognize a heavy responsibility whenever a child is signed in to our care. We commit to keeping children safe and secure by requiring all volunteers to pass background checks, complete training, and follow strict policies and procedures. You’ll find more information in our Parent Handout, which outlines classroom, food, and bathroom policies, diaper procedures, sickness policy, etc. 


We welcome children from six months through 5th grade, regardless of background or developmental ability. Every child is created in God’s image, is unique in her/his own way, and develops at her/his own rate. We keep additional members on standby to provide 1-1 care for children with unique needs. Your child is welcome here! 

Age Appropriate

Children are cared for in classrooms based on age, so that we can provide developmentally appropriate instruction, care, and activity in each room. Younger children enjoy more free play time, calm music, and low-stimulus games, while older children get additional time in the gym and longer teaching lessons. 

Play Based

Children were created to move, play, and have fun! We expect our classrooms to be full of life, movement, and noise!