emily smith

What's your role at Trinity?

I serve at Trinity by leading our regular times of prayer and helping to organize ministry within the community.

Where else have you lived, worked, or studied?

I grew up in southeast Missouri and studied Animal Sciences in undergrad at Mizzou. Now I am working towards a future in international veterinary medical missions by pursuing a degree in veterinary medicine and a masters beef reproduction.

Where else are you involved in the community (work, volunteering, etc)?

I enjoy being a part of the veterinary student community and traveling for research on farms across the country!

What's one thing you want to do before you die?

I want to have the opportunity to live a simple lifestyle in another country for some period of time. Whether a week or a 10 years, I would love to experience life without all of convenience I enjoy now so that I can really enjoy the rewards of sustaining daily life!

What aspect of Trinity's vision do you love most?

My favorite part of Trinity’s vision is the way we focus on community, valuing it as an expression of the character of all three parts of the Trinity. It encourages the expression of the fullness of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit within our body and within each member.