jeremy linneman
Jeremy Linneman serves as Trinity’s primary teaching pastor and directional leader. He is a graduate of the University of Missouri (BA), Southern Seminary (MA), and Covenant Theological Seminary (DMin). He writes regularly on spiritual formation and community for The Gospel Coalition, and he previously spent seven years as a staff pastor of Sojourn Community Church in Louisville, KY. He and his wife, Jessie, have three sons and spend most of their free time outdoors.
Tell us about your family.
Jessie and I met at Mizzou and got married in 2006. Jessie is the marketing director at My Life Clinic. We have three awesome boys: Joseph (15), Jude (13), and Jack (10). They attend Columbia Public Schools and are involved in cross country, track & field, and basketball.
What's your favorite thing about Columbia?
Columbia is my favorite place on earth. I love the Katy Trail, university campus, state parks, and downtown area. I really enjoy cycling, so I love being able to ride a 40-mile loop from my house without hitting a stoplight.
What are your favorite books, movies, or TV shows?
My top five books: Eugene Peterson’s A Long Obedience in the Same Direction, Richard Lovelace’s Renewal as a Way of Life, Henri Nouwen’s The Way of the Heart, Dallas Willard’s Renovation of the Heart, and Tim Keller’s Center Church. Also, Wendell Berry’s It All Turns on Affection. (Or is that six?)
What's one crazy thing you want to do before you die?
Ride a stage of le Tour de France.
What aspect of Trinity's vision do you love most?
I love that we have embraced and embodied a counter-cultural vision for life as it should be—the way of Jesus together for the renewal of all things. We don’t do “bigger, better, faster.” We follow Jesus and seek his humility.