mark wopata

What is your role at Trinity? 

I serve as a volunteer pastor/elder, focusing on community groups, finances, and operations at Trinity. Allison (my wife) and I also lead a community group.

What's your favorite thing about Columbia? 

Uprise Bakery and the parks. We love to hike, bike, or hang around Jay Dix, Longview, Stephens Lake, Rock Bridge, and many more of the wonderful parks here.

Where else have you worked, lived, or studied? 

I grew up in north Kansas City, went to college at Truman State, then worked and went to graduate school in Louisville, KY. Now I work at EquipmentShare.

What are your favorite books, movies, or TV shows? 

Parks and Recreation, The Office, books on economics, history, theology, and leadership. And podcasts - lots and lots of podcasts.

What aspect of Trinity's vision do you most resonate with? 

Grace, because it's the best thing about life in Christ's Kingdom. Not many things are better than the unearned, constant, and resurrecting grace of God.